The Hobbit

Last night, after 4.5 hours of watching movies yesterday me and my girlfriend Lillian finished The Hobbit movie trilogy. The precursor to the Lord of the Rings series by J. R. R. Tolkien. I have to say a few things about the series so far. For one, I was surprised to see the middle movie Desolation of Smaug have signifigantly lower (only slightly) ratings than the other two movies overall. After watching the movie it made a lot of sense to my as to why. If I had to watch that movie in movie theaters and the next movie Battle of Five Armies hadn’t come out yet, I would have been deeply frustrated with the ending. The movie finished off on a cliff-hanger that was far too-intense for my liking. I enjoy having movies leave some to be desired so it doesn’t feel too conclusive but having a dragon (Smaug) moments away from descending down on a town and causing death and destruction and then ending the movie was a bit of a cop out in my opinion. Since I was watching these movies after all of them have been released, that frustration wasn’t there and actually was something I found to be a positive. The previous movie, of course, now led in perfectly to the final movie, picking up right where we left off.

Today, I am getting some work done for AirCycler and am taking the day for myself. So far it has been quite slow and my recent Youtube ban has been a little bit of a failure. I am learning though! From my failures that is. I defeated Reddit two years ago now and am looking at implementing a better system for myself. I believe that less of the time-sucker apps and content in my life will contribute to a bigger feeling of fulfillment, better sleep, better mental health, and better motivation. Overall this will free up my time for other activities that I also enjoy but will be more informative, interesting, and fulfilling. I would like to read the book Automate the Boring stuff by Al Sweigart. I find it could be very useful in the future for me, getting rid of the monotonous tasks that I will envitably have to do. I would also like to read the textbook Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos by Steven H. Strogatz which so far has been very interesting and enlightening. (Those challenge problems are pretty hard!)

Till next time, Jack