List of Important things

This post is meant to be a list of important things to remember and apply throughout daily life. It is so easy to get stuck in a hole and preform the same routine day in and day out. I believe that novelty forces people to grow and makes days feel more fulfilling. This list focuses on, at max, 10 core concepts that are worth paying attention to throughout each day of my life.


  • Active Learning (doing myself) is far more powerful then passive learning (watching do)
  • I don’t have to do it perfect the first time, instead I should just get something down.
  • 1% of improvement every day is better than 0% (By the end of the year, that will be 3778% improvement annually)
  • Getting enough sleep is essential
  • Spending time with those around you


  • Don’t get stuck on your bad habits. See where you went wrong, prevent it from happening in the future and grow.

There are more to be added and as the list goes on some may be deleted. A format to describe the dates on the list will be made in the future. *For now, all of the list items were added on the start date of this post. This will almost act like a sticky note / bulletin board for my thoughts on my path towards productivity.

Thanks, Jack